How to design a modern website in 9 simple steps

web layout design

Solid color and big images are the site's top interactive elements, engaging users with their quality display. One of the great examples of a flat web design, the MUNICIPAL website stands out in its consistent display of bold design elements. Alzavino Wine Tavern aims to give customers an immersive experience from its wine bar with a modern take. This beautiful flat UI design example is unique, displaying its entire content on a consistent Merino-colored background.

Align and Justify in CSS Grid

For ecommerce, like the Ninth Avenue design by ThyDesigns, cards also frequently contain the sales price. The online beauty store Bliss even includes the product’s rating to further help shoppers decide what to buy. Design your layout and map out an appropriate framework by mapping out page placement and where each element will go.

Website Layout Design Examples to Consider for Your Next Project

Like any non-traditional layout method, designers must balance the content and visuals. These elements can be offset or overlapping, but they still need to be logically connected to guide visitors. With the freedom given by modern web design tools, website layouts can expand beyond the self-contained columns of traditional layouts. Designers are free to stack the z-axis with design elements — a shift from the organized columns of print design with stacked elements — whether those elements are text, image, color, etc. Playing with boundaries like this eliminates the rigid format to create unexpected but engaging layouts. Jack Jaeschke, an Australian-based animator, motion designer, and film editor, combines illustration and video with parallax motion in his design portfolio.

Grid Template Rows and Columns

For Krasa Architecture, this layout allows visitors to sample past projects. Using a grayscale image for each project entices visitors to move their cursor toward the image — and hovering adds color to each image. Mega menus have been hard to code, especially across multiple screen sizes. A few lines of code creates a dynamic layout which adds and removes columns one at a time as space allows — without any media/container queries, and with wrapping prevention. Food kit company Ono uses split screens with scroll-triggered animations for a UX full of color and movement. This creates a clear path to the eventual call-to-action (CTA) at the bottom of both columns, as site visitors must continue scrolling to read the text on the right side of the screen.

They are also excellent for drawing attention to particular screen elements that break out of the usual columns. The most effective way of addressing this problem is to create a clear visual hierarchy. In other words, make some of the ‘stories’ larger than others.For example, notice how the Vogue website focuses attention on the left-hand image by making it considerably larger.

web layout design

Several shaped and animated flat icons stand out scattered on the site's homepage, adding an artistic touch to the web design. This website employs striking and elegant designs for its Squarespace platform, drawing inspiration from the prominently featured bold language on the homepage. The bean-red hue of the EST Creative logo serves as the background for its call-to-action buttons, which are consistent throughout the site.

Match Media Group

The 6 best InDesign alternatives - Creative Bloq

The 6 best InDesign alternatives.

Posted: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Both use an adaptive approach, meaning their drag-and-drop and WYSIWYG capabilities are second to none. You can build just about anything without having to write a single line of code. A great design should look polished on all devices and browsers (yes, even Internet Explorer). If you’re building your site from scratch, we’d recommend using a cross-browser testing tool to make this tedious process faster and more efficient.

It allows users to scroll through all the content without having to navigate to different pages, providing a seamless user experience. Different sections are typically delineated by different background colors, images, or other visual cues. When a webpage completely overlays text on an image, it can often be lost. There is still an underlying grid, and all screen elements fit into it.

All other elements on the page are positioned to give focus to one main element, whether it’s a call-to-action (CTA) like an email signup or an image like a logo or product photo. With that said, designers can also use the fold to cut off intriguing graphics and copy in order to encourage users to scroll down, continuing their engagement with the web page. This particular usage of a full-screen media layout when it contains a video (or multiple videos) is a unique work of design inspiration.

Match Media Group offers innovative advertising solutions that reach highly engaged audiences across industry-leading sites and apps. This top flat website design, Match Media Group, is unique, with the hero section displaying an interactive flat UI design. This article covers the 23 best unique flat design websites to inspire you to use flat design trends in your own site. Responsive web design allows webpages to adjust to different devices’ screens, displaying consistent content across devices. Adaptive design involves creating a unique web layout for each device, so a website appears on a device’s screen in the layout dedicated to that particular device. Responsive web design is when a website automatically adjusts to various screen sizes, so users can view the same content on computers, phones, tablets and other devices.

It's the foundation upon which all other design elements rest, and it plays a pivotal role in the user experience. The standard procedure is to list content vertically via cards, with only one fully visible on the screen at a time. This encourages users to focus on one piece of content at a time, without overwhelming them. It also makes responsive design easier since all cards use the same width, so you don’t have to worry too much about what devices visitors are using.

Using a particularly creative divided layout, the world-famous audio equipment manufacturer shows an out of the box way to revolutionize the split-screen layout look. Two column layouts are recommended for pages that have two main pieces of content that share a mutual level of importance. It constructs layouts, writes content, and designs certain elements based on your instructions and information about your website, utilizing Divi’s wide range of modules. You talk to it like a person, and it makes decisions like a professional web designer. Templates can serve as a solid foundation for a website, then you can customize elements like color, font, etc. to make your design match your brand identity and style. Whether you're designing a website for yourself or a client, it’s important to first clearly define the website's purpose and goals.


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